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"Our purpose as a Christian congregation here at Mount Olive is to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to become a closer, more caring church family and to reach out to those who have no church home."


Traditional Service is at 8:30 am on Sundays


The traditional service follows Lutheran Worship Divine Service II, with organ accompaniment.


Our Lord is the Lord who serves. Jesus Christ came into the flesh not to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. On the cross He offered Himself as a spotless sacrifice for the sin of the whole world. Through His perfect life and death, He accomplished forgiveness and salvation for all before the Father in heaven. By His empty tomb and ascension into heaven, He declared His victory over sin and death to all the world. Seated now at the Father’s right hand, He graciously serves His Church with the gifts of salvation. On the Last Day, He will come again to gather His elect from every nation to celebrate the feast that will have no end.


Our Lord serves us today through His holy Word and Sacraments. Through these means, He comes among us to deliver His forgiveness and salvation, freeing us from our sins and strengthening us for service to one another and to the world. At Holy Baptism, He puts His name upon us, pours His Holy Spirit into our hearts, and rescues us from sin, death, and the devil. Through Holy Absolution, He pronounces His forgiveness again and again. With His holy Word, written in Scripture and preached into our ears, He daily proclaims His abiding love for us through all the joys and sorrows of life in this world.


In His Holy Supper, He gives us His own body and blood to eat and drink as a priceless gift to nourish and strengthen us in both body and soul.

The Lord’s service calls forth our service—in sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to Him and in loving service to one another. Having been called, gathered, enlightened, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit, we receive His gifts with thankfulness and praise. With psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, we joyfully confess all that God has done for us, declaring the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. Our song joins with the song of every saint from every age, the new song of Christ’s holy people, declaring: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” (Rev. 5:12).


Within the Lutheran tradition, the wedding of the Word of God to melody was modeled by the reformer himself. Martin Luther had a high regard for music and urged the Church to use it wisely as a vehicle for proclaiming the Gospel. “Next to theology,” he wrote,


“I accord to music the highest place and the greatest honor.” Retaining the best of pre-Reformation hymnody, as well as adding a great number of new hymns to the Church’s song, Luther and succeeding generations of hymnwriters continue to inspire the faithful to lift their voices in praise and thanksgiving to the triune God.


Christian weddings are held at Mount Olive Lutheran Church. The long, gracious aisle, the stained glass window, and the well-appointed chancel, the music of the church, all together form a setting for a beautiful wedding.  The “praying hands” design symbolizes our trust and dependence in our Heavenly Father.


The Rite of Holy Marriage begins in the Name of the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. More than atmosphere, therefore, and more than ceremony, the wedding is a Christian worship service.


Two persons come before God at His Altar to exchange promises of love and fidelity for a lifetime together. These are sacred moments. As Moses stood before God in the mountain, the couple stands on holy ground, holy because God meets them in His holy and gracious will to save and bless.


Therefore, the Rite of Holy Marriage brings together bride and groom and their family and friends, “. . . In the presence of God.” The couple will join with pastor and organist and others seeking to do things “decently and in order”, as the Apostle Paul advises persons gathered for worship in the church (1 Cor. 14:40). This applies to music, décor, dress, and many other details. Your wedding is just the first day in a lifetime of marriage and we encourage you to treat it as such.


To assist your planning of such a Christian wedding, this booklet is dedicated. May yours be a beautiful wedding in the name of the Triune God and to His glory. . . And for your happiness.


Rev. James Zang








Click here for more information!






What is Baptism? Baptism is not just plain water, but it is the water included in God’s command and combined with God’s Word.1 What’s so special about a handful of simple God connects His Word to it! In Baptism, that is exactly what God is doing. He combines His life-creating and life-giving Word with the waters of Holy Baptism, and thereby we are born again of water and the Spirit (John 3:5).






Mount Olive conducts funeral services upon request, by a family member, or previous arrangement. The service consists of Psalms, Hymns, scripture readings, a homily and prayers. We are strive to accommodate the families wishes in any way that is appropriate. To make arrangements for this service, please contact the church office at 716-434-8500.



Every Sunday at 10:15am

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