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"Our purpose as a Christian congregation here at Mount Olive is to share the good news of Jesus Christ and to become a closer, more caring church family and to reach out to those who have no church home"


  • Prospective students - their parents must approach the Pastor and indicate their student's readiness for Confirmation classes, and they should be in at least 6th grade.

  • There are 2 years of required classes. Students will be studying the Bible and Luther's Small Catechism.

  • Students are required to attend church and Sunday School every Sunday. They are also required to attend a 1 hour class every Monday night. They are required to make up any work for when they are absent. Assignments consist of Bible reading and follow-up questions, Catechism reading and follow-up questions, and memory work.

  • They are also required to acolyte, based on a rotating schedule, and they are required to submit sermon reports.

  • They are also required to abide by our code of conduct.

  • Parents of Confirmation students are required to assist with the Monday night classes, based on a rotating schedule.

  • Second year students, once the Pastor assesses their readiness, are required to write and present an essay to the congregation, entitled, "What Jesus and My Faith in Him Mean to Me."


At Mount Olive we believe our mission is to proclaim a radical message to this world, a message that has the power to transform lives. We believe that only the Gospel of Christ can replace hopelessness with hope, despair with joy, and life where there is death. May the peace of Christ fill you through and through!

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